Hi, I am

Dana Caletkova

front-end developer based in Perth, WA

Take a look at some of the projects I created

Weather Forecast

One of my earliest coding projects, this fully functioning weather forecast app is built with vanilla JavaScript. I developed it as a final project during a coding workshop focused on JavaScript fundamentals, API integration, development workflow, and hosting.

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World Clock

This minimalist app utilizes the Moment.js library to display the current date and time in a small selection of cities around the globe, including in the user's time zone. I built it during a coding workshop to solidify my knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

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Fun Fact Generator

Powered by artificial intelligence, Fun Fact Factory is an interactive text-generating tool that I developed during a workshop focused on AI and prompt engineering. With API incorporated into the code, the app delivers interesting facts about a topic of user's choice.

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The website you are currently visiting aims to showcase some of the projects I have built on my journey towards mastering front-end development. It is a project I created during a coding workshop to prove my understanding of Bootstrap, responsive design, Flexbox, media queries, and SEO.

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Travel Guide

I coded this travel guide about Brno, my hometown, during a workshop covering responsive design in more depth. Most attention was paid to grids as well as embedding external content, and I used both techniques across the web page to demonstrate these skills.

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React Weather App

This weather forecast app, my first project built with React JS, is an improved version of one of my earliest web applications. I developed it as a final project during a workshop on the fundamentals of this popular library. The app features animated icons, allows unit conversion and is fully responsive.

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React Dictionary

To deepen my knowledge of React JS, I took part in a follow-up workshop covering the library’s more advanced concepts. For a final project, I built a dictionary app that uses two different APIs to offer language-related content as well as an image gallery.

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Wedding Page

This personalized website is dedicated to my brother Tom, his partner Nori, and their special day. I developed it using Bootstrap and published it on a unique domain, requested by the bride and groom, to ensure easy access to the wedding information for their families and friends.

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Packing List

I came to the swimming pool without bathers once and to the supermarket without shopping bags countless times. That's why I coded this 'to-pack' list with predefined packing lists and an option to create my own. This responsive app, written in vanilla JavaScript, allows users to add, tick, and delete items and remembers the list until the next visit.

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Visit my GitHub to see what I am working on now